Ivan\NP left\VP home\NP to see\VP the world\NP. He\PN arrived\VP in a small\AJ town\NP and met\VP a very\AV beautiful\AJ princess\NP. Sean\NP saw\VP an interesting\AJ movie\NP yesterday\NP. Original author of Make\VP and IBM Researcher Stu Feldman has written an overview of what should be but is sadly perhaps not\AV familiar ground to many Slashdotters Quality Assurance. He\PN argues that QA is not\AV equivalent to testing and also addresses the oft-experienced apparent conflict between QA-advocates and business goals. The following essays by Jack W Reeves\NP offer three perspectives on a single theme namely that programming\VP is fundamentally a design activity and that the only\AV final and true representation of the design is the source code itself. This simple assertion gives rise to a rich discussion one which Reeves\NP explores fully in these three essays. Sean\NP had an interview\NP with Microsoft\NP and Google\NP. The google\NP interview\NP was yesterday\NP and he\PN hopes to hear from them\PN tomorrow\NP. The Microsoft\NP interview\NP was last week and he\PN hopes to also hear from them\PN tomorrow\NP. We\PN are the little\AJ people. We\PN can not\AV fight the big\AJ people. If a monkey\NP attacks you have to fight them\PN. You can kick\VP them\PN hit\VP them\PN punch\VP them\PN and joyously\AV beat\VP them\PN. Just do not\AV let Theresa\NP find\VP out.