Some links to relevant research on web sensor networks that you might find useful.

  1. The OpenGIS Consortium (OGC) description of their SensorWebTM initiative is here.
  2. A description of the Sensor Modelling Language SensorML maintained by Michael Botts, Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, Earth System Science Center, is here.
  3. A link to upcoming conferences and workshops in the wireless sensor network area, provided by Bhaskar Krishnamachari, professor in Electrical Engineering at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, is here.
  4. Interested in what types of sensors are available? The IEEE Sensors 2005 conference (link to it here) has papers referring to many sensor types, including nanostructured, magnetic, flow, environmental, acoustic, chemical, gas, wireless, thermal and optical sensors, with an "electronic nose" session as well. The IEEE Sensors 2006 conference (held in Korea) is here.
  5. A bibliography of papers in the area of wireless sensor networks, organized in nine different topic areas, and provided by Bhaskar Krishnamachari, is here.
  6. An interesting collection of papers and articles on wireless sensor networks authored (or coauthored) by Joe Polastre is here.

Last updated Jan. 9, 2007. Please direct questions or comments to Brad Nickerson.