M.Sc.(Math.) Home Papers supervised at I. I. T. Bombay

  1. S. Pulavarthi, 'Monte Carlo Solutions of Linear Equations', 1981.
  2. U.Vase, 'Study of a Monte Carlo Technique for Solving Linear Equations', 1982.
  3. M.K. Moholkar, 'Monte Carlo Solutions of Partial Differential Equations', 1982.

M.Tech.(C.S.) Dissertations supervised at I. I. T. Bombay

  1. S.C. Sikka, 'Design of a Microcomputer Network', 1977.
  2. V.V. Telang, 'Design of a Microprocessor-based Patient Monitoring Systems', Dept. of Elect. Engg., 1977.
  3. C. Coutinho, 'F8 Microprocessor Software Support', 1978.
  4. D. Ravindranath, 'An Associative Processor based Data Base Management System', 1978.
  5. A.B. Prahlad, 'Multiprocessor Systems: Performance Evaluation by Simulation", 1979.
  6. S.K. Rao, 'Hardware Development of a Microcomputer Network', 1979.
  7. P.A. Shah, 'Design of Multitasking Node Executives for PLEXUS Microcomputer Network', 1980.
  8. S. Ghosh, 'A Microprocessor-based Preprocessor for a Minicomputer based Arrythmia Monitoring System', 1980.
  9. K.V. Subbarao, 'An Incremental BASIC Compiler for Intel 8086 Microprocessor', 1980.
  10. R.M. Palnitkar, 'A Dataflow Architecture for Continuous System Simulation', 1980.
  11. V. Warriar, 'Design of a Fault-Tolerant Microcomputer Network Architecture and Multitasking Node Executives', 1981.
  12. P. Risbud, 'Cross Software Support for Intel 8086 Microprocessor on EC-1030', 1981.
  13. B. Ganesh, 'PLEXUS Microcomputer Network - Hardware Extensions and Modifications', 1981.
  14. A. Phanse, 'PLEXUS Microcomputer Network-Software Extensions and Modifications'.
  15. R. Venugopalan, 'PLEXUS Microcomputer Network-Hardware and Software Extensions', 1982.
  16. N.M. Kabbin, 'Hardware and Software Development of a Process Control Microcomputer', 1983.
  17. V. Kumar, 'Concurrent Pascal Implementation for MC68000 Systems: Kernel and Interpreter', 1983.

M.Sc.(C.S.)/MCS Theses supervised at U.N.B.

  1. T.A. Tassou, 'Adaptation of a Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Code to Supercomputers', Jan. 1986,(co-supervisor: Prof. Uday G. Gujar).
  2. L.A. Lambrou, 'Pseudo-Random Number Sequences for Parallel Computers', Project, Feb. 1986, (co-supervisor: Prof. Uday G. Gujar).
  3. N. Datar, 'Generation and Rendering of Three Dimensional Objects', April, 1986, (co-supervisor: Prof. Uday G. Gujar).
  4. C.A. Meech, 'Software Tools for VLSI Design', Nov. 1986, (co-supervisor: Prof. David Luke (EE)).
  5. LiYa Wu, 'Interactive Generation of Interpolated Objects', May 1988, (co-supervisor: Prof. Uday G. Gujar).
  6. Prem Kalra, 'Fractals and Their Applications', June 1988, (co-supervisor: Prof. Uday G. Gujar).
  7. Riyanarto Sarno, 'Performance Modeling of Vectorized Monte Carlo Codes', Sept. 1988.
  8. Jaishree Balasubramanyan, 'A Historical Relational Database Management System', May 1989, (co-supervisor: Dr. Nandalall L. Sarda (UNB, Saint John).
  9. Vincent Ming Chit Woo, 'Monte Carlo Codes and Vectorization Techniques', May 1989, (co-supervisor: Prof. Uday G. Gujar and Dr. Esam A. Hussein (Mechanical Eng.)).
  10. Stephen Choi, 'Geometric Fractals', July 1989, (co-supervisor: Prof. Uday G. Gujar).
  11. Alain Tin Kin Wang, 'Some Program Structures and Vectorization Techniques', Oct. 1989.
  12. Nagarjuna Vangala, 'Vectorization and Visualization of Fractals', May, 1990, (co-supervisor: Prof. Uday G. Gujar).
  13. Chris Turner, "Parallel Implementations of Selected Image Processing Techniques', May 1993.
  14. John M. Abela, 'Topics in Evolving Transformation Systems', July 1994, (co-supervisor: Dr. L. Goldfarb).
  15. Greg Meldrum, 'Parallel Processing of the Evolving Tree Transformation System', June 1995.
  16. Cyril Gobrecht, '3D Animated Debugger for Distributed Programs', June 1995, (co-supervisor: Dr. Colin Ware)
  17. Kevin G. Marinelli, 'Ball-and-Stick Model for Soft Objects', Sept. 1995, (co-supervisor: Prof. Uday Gujar).
  18. Jagdish Sonti, ‘An Object Oriented Framework for Distributed Fault Handling', April 1996 (co- supervisor: Dr. Weichang Du, Mr. Douglas Schaefer (Bell Northern Research - now Nortel Networks)).
  19. Sanjay Deshpande, ‘On Foundations of Vision', (co-supervisor: Dr. Lev Goldfarb), May 1996.
  20. Derrick Gunter, ‘Objectif: A 3D Graphics System in Motif'(co-supervisors: Dr. Jane Fritz and Prof. Uday Gujar) January 1997.
  21. Reza Nezami, ‘DiscMath: An Intelligent Tutoring System For Discrete Mathematics' (co- supervisors: Dr. Jane Fritz and Prof. Uday Gujar), April 1998.
  22. Ming Chen, ‘Incremental Communication for Adaptive Resonance Theory Networks', May 1998. (Input Data used for experiments WordPerfect .wpd file)
  23. Soumendra Naik, ‘Concurrent Programming using Parallel Virtual Machine', June 1998.
  24. Pat Riley, ‘Visualization in Discrete Mathematics', (co-supervisors: Dr. Jane Fritz and Prof. Uday Gujar), September 1998.
  25. Dongyu (Daniel) Chen, ‘DiscMath II: Student Model and Controller,' (co-supervisors: Dr. Jane Fritz and Prof. Uday Gujar), May 1999.
  26. Jiang Yajie, ‘DiscMath II: Knowledge Model and Knowledge Base,' (co-supervisors: Dr. Jane Fritz and Prof. Uday Gujar), in progress.
  27. Hui Yu, ‘Keyphrase-based Information Sharing in a Community of Mobile Agents,' (co-supervisors: Dr. Ali Ghorbani and Dr. Steve Marsh (NRC, Ottawa)), 2000.
  28. Subhas Misra, 'Assessing Quality with Software Metrics,' 2002.
  29. Sili (Wesley) Huang, “PaGrid: A Mesh Partitioner for Computational Grids,” (co-supervisor: Dr. Eric Aubanel), April 2003.
  30. Chris MacPhee, “Concurrent Computation of Algebraic Fractals,” April 2005.
  31. AijazuddinSyed, “Automated  Data Acquisition Pipeline for Potato Genome Annotation,” (co-supervised by Dr. Patricia Evans), March 2005.
  32. Anurag Singh, “LOMGenIE: A Weighted  Tree Metadata Extraction Tool,” (co-supervisor: Dr. Harold Boley, NRC ), September 2005.
  33.  Mathieu Sebastien, “Match-making in Bartering Scenarios,  (co-supervisor: Dr. Harold Boley, NRC), December 2005.
  34. Jin Jing, “Similarity of Weighted Directed Acyclic Graphs,” (co-supervisor: Dr. Harold Boley, NRC), September 2006.
  35. Jie  Li, “Rule-based Social Networking for Expert Finding,”  (co-supervisor: Dr. Harold Boley, NRC), September 2006. 
  36. Zheng Wang, “Consensus Protein Secondary Structure Prediction,” (co-supervised by Dr. Patricia Evans), August 2007.
  37. En Zhang, “A Rule-based System for Automatic Annotation of Genome Sequences,” (co-supervised by Dr. Patricia Evans), 2010.
  38. Yifan Lu, “Tree Structured Data Processing on GPUs”, MCS Thesis, December, 2014.

Other Master’s Theses/Projects

  1. B Lavanya, C.S. Jhansi Rani, K. Lakshmi Lalitha and P. Renuka, RANSACK: A Document Storage and Keyword-based Retrieval System, M. Eng (Computer Science and Eng.) Project Report, Veltech Technical University, Chennai, India, April 2011.   These students did the project work and report writing at the Center for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Pune, India where I was spending my sabbatical leave. I guided the project work along with support from a few C-DAC technical members.)

updated on July 24, 2015