

Bhavsar, V.C. and J.R. Isaac, 'Digital Differential Analysers - A critical review' in Proc. 8th Annual Convention of Computer Society of India, Delhi, 1973.

Bhavsar, V.C. and J.R. Isaac, 'A Microprogrammed Dynamic Increment Digital Differential Analyser in a Variable Structure Computer Configuration' in Proc. 10th Annual Convention of Computer Society of India, Ahemadabad, 1975.

Bhavsar, V.C. and J.R. Isaac, 'Digital Differential Analyser Realized as an Array Processor' in Proc. 12th Annual Convention of Computer Society of India, Pune, 1977.

Sarda, N.L. and V.C. Bhavsar, 'Associative Processors in Data Management Systems', in Proc. 12Th Annual Convention Computer Society of India, Pune, 1977.

Bhavsar, V.C. and V.V. Kanetkar, 'A Multiple Microprocessor System (MMPS) for Monte Carlo Solution of Partial Differential Equations', Advances Computer Methods for Partial Differential Equations, IMACS(AICA), Pennsylvania, U.S.A., Vol. II, pp. 205213, 1977.

Bhavsar, V.C. and S.C. Sikka, 'MICRON - A Homogeneous Microcomputer Network-Hardware Aspects', in Proc. 13th Annual Convention of Computer Society of India, Feb. 5-8, l978.

Bhavsar, V.C. and S.C. Sikka, 'MICRON A Homogeneous Microcomputer NetworkSoftware Aspects', in Proc. 13th Annual Convention of Computer Society of India, Feb. 58, 1978.

Bhavsar, V.C. and A.J. Padgaonkar, 'Effectiveness of Some Parallel Computer Architectures for Monte Carlo Solution of Partial Differential Equations', IMACS, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., Vol. III. pp. 259-264, June 1979.

Bhavsar, V.C. and A.B. Prahlad, 'SIMULPRO - A Simulator System for Multiprocessor Systems', in Proc. 14th Annual Convention of Computer Society of India, Banglore, Jan. 1979.

Kranti Kumar, V.C. Bhavsar and J.R. Isaac, 'An Approach to Digital System Partitioning for Concurrent Diagnosis', 22Nd Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Pennsylvania, U.S.A, June 1979.

Krishnamoorthy, S.G., J.R. Isaac, and V.C. Bhavsar, 'A Microprocessor based Multilingual Terminal for Computerized Information Handling System'. Fourth International Conference on Computing in Humanities, Dartmouth College, Hanover, U.S.A., August, 1979.

Kranti Kumar, V.C. Bhavsar and J.R. Isaac, 'An Approach for the Concurrent Diagnosis for Digital Systems', First International Conference on Reliability and Exploitation of Digital Systems, RELCOMEX 79, Poland, Sept. 1979.

Kranti Kumar, V.C. Bhavsar and J.R. Isaac. 'Digital System Partitioning for Concurrent Diagnosis', 1979 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Testing (AUTOTESCON 79), Minneapolis, U.S.A., Sept. 19-21, 1979.

Krishnamoorthy, S.G., V.C.Bhavsar, and J.R. Isaac, 'MMTS: A Microprocessor based Multilingual Telex Systems', First International Symposium on Policy Analysis and Information Systems, Durham, U.S.A., June 1979.

Krishnamoorthy, S.G., J.R. Isaac and V.C. Bhavsar, 'A Microprocessor based Multilingual Terminal for a Computerized Information Handling System', J. Computers in Humanities, Vol. 14, pp. 91-104, 1980.

Bhavsar, V.C. and D. Ravindranath, 'An Associative Processor Based Data Base Management System', in Proc. 15th Annual Convention of Computer Society of India, Bombay, Vol. II, pp. 2.40-2.46, Feb. 8-11, 1980.

Bhavsar, V.C. and R.M. Palnitkar, 'A Dataflow Multimicroprocessor for Continuous System Simulation', in Proc. 15th Annual Convention of Computer Society of India, Bombay. Vol. I, pp. 1.271.33, 1980.

Bhavsar, V.C. and J.R. Isaac, 'Some Parallel Algorithms for Monte Carlo Solution of Linear Equations', in Proc. 15th Annual Convention of Computer Society of India, Bombay, Vol. III, 3.763.81, Feb. 811, 1980.