Homework #1: Higher-Order Functions, Recursion, type-case
Out: Tuesday, January 12th, Due: Monday, February 22nd, 10:00pm


This homework is for individual work and submission.

In this submission as well as future homeworks, you are required to have tests that cover your whole code, otherwise your submission will be penalized.

The language for this homework is:

#lang plait

For this problem set, make sure you enable Syntactic test suite coverage: <ctrl>-L to bring up the customization panel and choose Syntactic test suite coverage under Dynamic Properties. With this enabled, uncovered branches in your code will be highlighted.

Submitted code should have comments that describe the function and its type, as well as enough test cases for complete coverage (DrRacket indicates covered expressions with colors for covered and uncovered source code, unless your code is completely covered). Your tests should have the following form: (test <expression> <expected>).
Important: Your tests should cover your whole code, otherwise the marker will penalize your submission. You should not have any uncovered expressions after you hit run. Note that appeasing the automatic coverage testing is a minimum requirement, and usually more tests are needed

1. Binary Trees

Define a binary tree as a something that is either empty, a Leaf holding a number, or a Node that contains a binary tree on the left and one on the right. Use the following a define-type definition for BINTREE,
(define-type BINTREE
  [Leaf Number]
  1. Using this BINTREE definition, write a (higher-order) function called tree-map that takes in a numeric function f and a binary tree, and returns a tree with the same shape but using f(n) for values in its leaves. For example, here is a test case:
    (test (tree-map add1 (Node (Leaf 1) (Node (Leaf 2) (Node (Leaf 3) (Empty)))))
          => (Node (Leaf 2) (Node (Leaf 3) (Node (Leaf 4) (Empty))))
    Your function should have the type signature
    (: tree-map : (Number -> Number) BINTREE -> BINTREE)
  2. Using the same BINTREE type implement tree-fold, which is the equivalent of the foldl for lists. There are two differences between tree-fold and foldl: first, foldl has a single init argument that determines the result for the single empty list value. But with our trees, the base cases are Empty or a Leaf that holds some number — so we need both a value for Empty and a (numeric) function for Leaf. The second difference is that tree-fold’s combiner function receives different inputs: the two results for the two subtrees. tree-fold should therefore consume four values — the combiner function (a function of two arguments), the leaf function (a function of a single number argument), the empty value to return for empty subtrees and the BINTREE value to process.
    Note: tree-fold is a polymorphic function, so its type should be parameterized over “some input type A”. The Typed Racket notation for this is
    (: tree-fold : (All (A) (Number -> A) (A A -> A) A   BINTREE -> A))
    (define (tree-fold leafer combiner empty tree)
    When your implementation is complete, you can use it, for example, to implement a tree-flatten function that consumes a BINTREE and returns a list of its values from left to right:
    (: tree-flatten : BINTREE -> (Listof Number))
    ;; flattens a binary tree to a list of its values in
    ;; left-to-right order
    (define (tree-flatten tree)
      (tree-fold (inst list Number) (inst append Number) null tree))
    You can use this function, as well as others you come up with, to test your code.
    Note the use of (inst f Number) — the Typed Racket inference has certain limitations that prevent it from inferring the correct type. We need to ‘help’ it in these cases, and say explicitly that we use the two polymorphic functions append and list instantiated with Number. Think about an (All (A) ...) type as a kind of a function at the type world, and inst is similar to calling such a function with an argument for A. You will not need to use this elsewhere in your answers.
    Here is an example test case:
    (test (tree-flatten (Node (Node (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2))
                              (Node (Node (Leaf 3) (Empty))
                                    (Leaf 4)))) => '(1 2 3 4))

2. Finally

Define minutes-spent as the number of minutes you spent on your homework.