UNB/ CS/ David Bremner/ teaching/ cs4613/ racket/ Setting up racket for CS4613/CS6905


  1. Start drracket

  2. Choose File -> Install Package

  3. Enter unb-cs4613.

  4. Click install (or update if this is not your first time)

  5. If for some reason unb-cs4613 doesn't work, you can try the direct url


    A window will pop up with lots of scrolling text, finishing with "post-installing collections"

  6. If you prefer the command line, you can run

     raco pkg install unb-cs4613
  7. Restart drracket. There should be a UNB icon in the tool bar.

  8. Choose File -> Manage CS4613 Handin Account

  9. Click New User

  10. Fill in your info and click add user. Please use the same username as on the FCS Linux machines.

Setting up for Test Coverage

  1. Start drracket

  2. Bring up the Choose Language panel with Control-L

  3. Press Show Details if needed.

  4. Select Syntactic test suite coverage under Dynamic properties