
We are looking to recruit new members to join our lab.

PostDoc Positions

The Analytics Everywhere Lab at the UNB Faculty of Computer Science, is looking to recruit a PostDoc to work on a Smart Building project.
Candidates with a Ph.D. in Computer Science, Electronic/Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering, or Related Fields are welcome to apply.
The successful candidate will be mentored by Dr. Hung Cao, Dr. Monica Wachowicz, and Dr. Trevor Hanson.
For more information about this position. Please follow this link:

MSc and PhD Students

We are looking to recruit new members to join our lab.

Undergraduate Students

We are looking to recruit new members to join our lab.

Contact us

Analytics Everywhere Lab

University of New Brunswick
Computer Science Faculty
Room GC107,
550 Windsor St, Fredericton,
Canada, E3B 5A3

Email: hcao3[at]unb[dot]ca

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