Adam Baker
  • Master of Computer Science, 2005-2007
    University of New Brunswick, Canada
  • Bachelor of Computer Science, 1999-2004
    University of New Brunswick, Canada


Research Topic: Integration of the Hardware and Software Partitions of a Co-Designed Java Virtual Machine

Thesis Research:
Design & Implementation of the Interface of a Hardware/Software Co-Designed Java Virtual Machine
Virtual machines provide the ability for software to be written once and run anywhere because virtual machines provide a layer of abstraction between the application and the underlying hardware. This abstraction makes virtual machine applications run significantly slower than native applications. Using hardware to accelerate parts of the virtual machine can improve its performance, but communication between the hardware and software can be a performance bottleneck as well. This thesis investigates the communication requirements between hardware and software and presents an interface for hardware software communication in a Java Virtual Machine. It also explores the design of a System-on-Chip virtual machine to further improve communication performance.


Website: Adam Baker

Thesis Supervisor(s):
Ken Kent