FCS Remote Lab Access With GUI
Please read everything before attempting to connect.
Make sure to save your work often and be sure to logout via the desktop when you are done. Your remote desktop session may be terminated after long periods of inactivity and you should take all precautions not to loose your work.
Before you can connect to a Computer Science lab machine, you must first be connected to UNB's VPN. Instructions on how to install and connect to the VPN are aavailable at the link below:
Once you have the VPN installed, you may continue with the instructions provided below.
Definitions and Terms
- Username:
In this context your username is your Computer Science login, which should match your UNB login. Keep in mind that this is not your full email address, only your username that was assigned to you. - Password:
In this context your password is your Computer Science password. This does not have to match your UNB password. If you cannot remember your CS password, you can sync it to your UNB password here:
Connecting to the Remote Lab
In order to connect to Computer Science’s remote labs, start by logging into the website here:
Once you are logged into his page you should see a section that outlines the details of your sessions. This will either list your currently active session or show that you do not have an active session.
If you do not currently have an active session you should see a button that states “Start a Session”. Clicking this button will pick a machine from the pool and automatically start a session for you on that machine.
When a session is available, there will be two buttons, “Connect via Browser” and “Kill Session”.
The first button will connect you to your currently running session in a new browser tab. Once that new tab is open, you will be prompted for your Computer Science credentials again. Once you enter your credentials you will be signed into your active session.
When you are done your work, you should log out your session by clicking on your name in the top right-hand corner and selecting Log Out… This will close your active session to the remote labs and then kill, or shutdown, the process associated with it.
The second button, “Kill Session” will kill, or shut down, the currently listed active session. It is recommended that if you are not currently using the active session, that you kill it in order to free up resources for other users.
This is a shared environment and as such we ask that you do not keep your session running longer than needed. Any long running or inactive sessions may be killed in order to free up resources. Make sure you save your work frequently.