UNB/ CS/ David Bremner/ research/ sparks lp/ PM4

SPARKS pseudocode

input bool x12
input bool x13
input bool x14  
input bool x23
input bool x24  
input bool x34  
output bool w
if x12 and x34 then 
   return w @ 1
if x13 and x24 then
   return w @ 1
if x14 and x23 then
   return w @ 1
return w @ 0

SPARKS pseudo-assembly

. input bool x12
. input bool x13
. input bool x14
. input bool x23
. input bool x24
. input bool x34
. output bool w
. set guard0 and x12 x34
. set guard0 not guard0
. if guard0 else0
1 return w copy 1
else0 nop
. set guard2 and x13 x24
. set guard2 not guard2
. if guard2 else2
3 return w copy 1
else2 nop
. set guard4 and x14 x23
. set guard4 not guard4
. if guard4 else4
5 return w copy 1
else4 nop
6 return w copy 0

Parameter file


Generated LP

Sample yes instance

# count = 14
param d['w'] := 0;
param c :=
    'x12'   -2
    'x13'   2
    'x14'   2
    'x23'   2
    'x24'   -2
    'x34'   -2

Sample no instance

# count = 56
param d['w'] := 0;
param c :=
    'x12'   -2
    'x13'   -2
    'x14'   -2
    'x23'   2
    'x24'   2
    'x34'   2