CS 4613: Homework Server

This page is about homework. See also main page


You are responsible for your work!
This means that you should use the server to verify that a file was submitted, and that your graded work does not have anything that you believe is an error. If there are any problems, you should contact us ASAP. We cannot guarantee resolution for issues that are over a week old. Don’t defer things to the last week of the semester and come to us with a pile of things to fix.


Homework submissions are handled through a DrRacket plugin described on the course web site . There is also a secure web server that you can use to verify submissions, see grading comments, and check your grades. See the next section. Note that the handin server uses a high port, so you need to work through a network that allows you to access such ports.

You can submit as many times as you want: the server keeps the most recent submission (with a few backups of previous submissions), and it is a good idea to have your work in a safe place. When a submission is successful, you will receive an email with a “receipt” — this receipt should be used in the unlikely case that there are problems. The important thing to remember is that you should have a receipt for every successful submission.

For most submissions, you will be required to provide code and enough tests to cover the code completely. DrRacket (when set up properly) provides a visual indication for this: after you click “Run” code that was not covered is highlighted in black and orange, and when the code is completely covered no orange/black colors are used. If your code is not completely covered, the server will ask you if you want to submit with a penalty. Note that the actual penalty will be bigger than you think: if you don’t have enough tests for complete coverage, then it is very likely that you have bugs, and the penalty is a percentage of whatever grade you will receive.

Handin Server

The handin server is accessible through secure http. It can be used to verify submitted files, see your grades, get graded files, and get solution files.

Graded files contain two kinds of grading markup:

Other than these ;>-comments, the graded files are identical to your original work — we never edit your submission in any way.

When you log in to the server, you will see a table with one row for each homework and exam, and (later in the semester) a “Summary” row. Each row has several links for various files and a grade. The grade is your computed grade for each homework or exam; the “Summary” row has an estimated average based on different weights that are assigned to each homework and exam. These weights can change at any time, which means that the average is only an estimate of your performance throughout the semester since.

The available files are:

Be sure to follow and verify your grades.
