#lang plai/gc2/collector
(define (alloc-ptr) 0)
(define (active-semi-space) 1)
;; init-allocator : -> void
;; 2 pointers : allocation pointer
;; active-semi-space pointer
(define (init-allocator)
(heap-set! (alloc-ptr) 2) ;; allocation pointer
(heap-set! (active-semi-space) 'left) ;; active-semi-space
(for ([i (in-range 2 (heap-size))])
(heap-set! i 'free)))
(define (mid)
(+ 1 (round (* (heap-size) 1/2))))
;; gc:deref : loc -> heap-value
;; must signal an error if fl-loc doesn't point to a flat value
(define (gc:deref fl-loc)
(case (heap-ref fl-loc)
[(flat) (heap-ref (+ fl-loc 1))]
[(frwd) (gc:deref (heap-ref (+ fl-loc 1)))]
[else (error 'gc:deref
"non-flat @ ~s"
;; track/loc : loc -> loc
;; if loc points to a flat or cons or clos, then return loc
;; else if loc points to a frwd, return the frwd address
(define (track/loc loc)
(case (heap-ref loc)
[(flat cons clos) loc]
[(frwd) (heap-ref (+ loc 1))]
[else (error 'track/loc "wrong tag at ~a" loc)]))
;; gc:alloc-flat : heap-value -> loc
(define (gc:alloc-flat fv)
(define ptr (malloc 2 #f #f))
(heap-set! ptr 'flat)
(heap-set! (+ ptr 1) fv)
;; gc:cons : root root -> loc
;; hd and tl are guaranteed to have been earlier
;; results from either gc:alloc-flat or gc:cons
(define (gc:cons hd tl)
(define ptr (malloc 3 hd tl))
(heap-set! ptr 'cons)
(heap-set! (+ ptr 1) (track/loc (read-root hd)))
(heap-set! (+ ptr 2) (track/loc (read-root tl)))
(when (or (at-from-space? hd)
(at-from-space? tl))
;; gc:first : loc -> loc
;; must signal an error of pr-loc does not point to a cons
(define (gc:first pr-loc)
(if (equal? (heap-ref pr-loc) 'cons)
(heap-ref (+ pr-loc 1))
(error 'first "non cons @ ~s" pr-loc)))
;; gc:rest : loc -> loc
;; must signal an error of pr-loc does not point to a cons
(define (gc:rest pr-loc)
(if (equal? (heap-ref pr-loc) 'cons)
(heap-ref (+ pr-loc 2))
(error 'first "non cons @ ~s" pr-loc)))
;; gc:flat? : loc -> boolean
;; loc is guaranteed to have been an earlier
;; result from either gc:alloc-flat or gc:cons
(define (gc:flat? loc)
(case (heap-ref loc)
[(flat) #t]
[(frwd) (gc:flat? (heap-ref (+ loc 1)))]
[else #f]))
;; gc:cons? : loc -> boolean
;; loc is guaranteed to have been an earlier
;; result from either gc:alloc-flat or gc:cons
(define (gc:cons? loc)
(case (heap-ref loc)
[(cons) #t]
[(frwd) (gc:cons? (heap-ref (+ loc 1)))]
[else #f]))
;; gc:set-first! : loc loc -> void
;; must signal an error of pr-loc does not point to a cons
(define (gc:set-first! pr-loc new)
(if (equal? (heap-ref pr-loc) 'cons)
(heap-set! (+ pr-loc 1) new)
(error 'set-first! "non cons")))
;; gc:set-rest! : loc loc -> void
;; must signal an error of pr-loc does not point to a cons
(define (gc:set-rest! pr-ptr new)
(if (equal? (heap-ref pr-ptr) 'cons)
(heap-set! (+ pr-ptr 2) new)
(error 'set-rest! "non cons")))
;; gc:closure : heap-value (vectorof loc) -> loc
;; allocates a closure with 'code-ptr' and the free variables
;; in the vector 'free-vars'.
(define (gc:closure code-ptr free-vars)
(define fv-count (length free-vars))
(define fv-vars (map read-root free-vars))
(define addr (malloc (+ fv-count 3)
(heap-set! addr 'clos)
(heap-set! (+ addr 1) code-ptr)
(heap-set! (+ addr 2) fv-count)
(for ([i (in-range 0 (length free-vars))]
[v (in-list free-vars)])
(heap-set! (+ addr 3 i)
(read-root v)))
;; gc:closure-code-ptr : loc -> heap-value
;; given a location returned from an earlier allocation
;; check to see if it is a closure; if not signal an
;; error. if so, return the code-ptr
(define (gc:closure-code-ptr loc)
(if (gc:closure? loc)
(heap-ref (+ (track/loc loc) 1))
(error 'gc:closure-code-ptr "non closure at ~a" loc)))
;; gc:closure-env-ref : loc number -> loc
;; given a location returned from an earlier allocation
;; check to see if it is a closure; if not signal an
;; error. if so, return the 'i'th variable in the closure
(define (gc:closure-env-ref loc i)
(if (gc:closure? loc)
(heap-ref (+ (track/loc loc) 3 i))
(error 'gc:closure-env-ref "non closure at ~a" loc)))
;; gc:closure? : loc -> boolean
;; determine if a previously allocated location
;; holds a closure
(define (gc:closure? loc)
(case (heap-ref loc)
[(clos) #t]
[(frwd) (gc:closure? (heap-ref (+ loc 1)))]
[else #f]))
;; alloc : number[size] roots roots -> loc
(define (malloc n some-roots more-roots)
(define addr (heap-ref (alloc-ptr)))
[(<= (+ addr n) (space-limit))
(heap-set! (alloc-ptr) (+ addr n))
(collect-garbage some-roots more-roots)
(define next (heap-ref (alloc-ptr)))
(unless (<= (+ next n) (space-limit))
(error 'alloc "no space"))
(heap-set! (alloc-ptr) (+ next n))
;; check for remaining forward info
(unless (or (at-from-space? some-roots)
(at-from-space? more-roots))
next ; â®
;; collect-garbage : roots roots -> void
(define (collect-garbage some-roots more-roots)
(forward/roots (get-root-set))
(forward/roots some-roots)
(forward/roots more-roots)
(forward/ref (semi-space-start)))
;; space-limit -> integer
;; find limit of current semi-heap
(define (space-limit)
(if (equal? (heap-ref (active-semi-space)) 'left) (mid) (heap-size)))
;; semi-space-start
(define (semi-space-start)
(if (equal? (heap-ref (active-semi-space)) 'left) 2 (mid)))
;; change-active-semi-space -> void
(define (change-active-semi-space)
(case (heap-ref (active-semi-space))
(heap-set! (active-semi-space) 'right)
(heap-set! (alloc-ptr) (mid))]
(heap-set! (active-semi-space) 'left)
(heap-set! (alloc-ptr) 2)]))
;; forward/roots : loc/(listof loc) -> loc
;; move every thing reachable from 'roots'
;; to the to space
(define (forward/roots thing)
[(list? thing)
(for-each forward/roots thing)]
[(root? thing)
(set-root! thing (forward/loc (read-root thing)))]
[(number? thing)
(forward/loc thing)]))
;; forward/loc : loc -> loc
;; move object to the other semi-space
;; and return the new addr of moved object
(define (forward/loc loc)
[(at-to-space? loc) loc]
(case (heap-ref loc)
[(flat) (define new-addr (gc/alloc 2))
(heap-set! new-addr 'flat)
(heap-set! (+ new-addr 1)
(heap-ref (+ loc 1)))
(heap-set! loc 'frwd)
(heap-set! (+ loc 1) new-addr)
[(cons) (define new-addr (gc/alloc 3))
(heap-set! new-addr 'cons)
(heap-set! (+ new-addr 1) (track/loc (heap-ref (+ loc 1))))
(heap-set! (+ new-addr 2) (track/loc (heap-ref (+ loc 2))))
(heap-set! loc 'frwd)
(heap-set! (+ loc 1) new-addr)
new-addr] ; â®
[(clos) (define length (+ 3 (heap-ref (+ loc 2))))
(define new-addr (gc/alloc length))
(for ([x (in-range 0 3)])
(heap-set! (+ new-addr x) (heap-ref (+ loc x))))
(for ([x (in-range 3 length)])
(heap-set! (+ new-addr x) (track/loc (heap-ref (+ loc x)))))
(heap-set! loc 'frwd)
(heap-set! (+ loc 1) new-addr)
[(frwd) (heap-ref (+ loc 1))]
[else (error 'forward/loc "wrong tag at ~a" loc)])
;; gc/alloc : num[size] -> loc
(define (gc/alloc n)
(define addr (heap-ref (alloc-ptr)))
(unless (<= (+ addr n) (space-limit))
(error 'gc/alloc "no space"))
(heap-set! (alloc-ptr) (+ addr n)) addr)
;; forward/ref : loc -> void
;; move the referenced object to the other semi-space
;; recursively scan rest of semi-space
(define (forward/ref loc)
[(= loc (heap-ref (alloc-ptr))) (void)]
(case (heap-ref loc)
[(flat) (forward/ref (+ loc 2))]
(gc:set-first! loc (forward/loc
(heap-ref (+ loc 1))))
(gc:set-rest! loc (forward/loc
(heap-ref (+ loc 2))))
(forward/ref (+ loc 3))]
[(clos) (define fv-count (heap-ref (+ loc 2)))
(for ([x (in-range 0 fv-count)])
(define l (+ loc 3 x))
(heap-set! l (forward/loc (heap-ref l))))
(forward/ref (+ loc 3 fv-count))] ; â®
[else (error 'forward/ref "wrong tag at ~a" loc)])]))
;; free the from space
;; after moved all live objects and their offsprings
;; over to space
(define (free-from-space)
(case (heap-ref (active-semi-space))
(for ([i (in-range (mid) (heap-size))])
(heap-set! i 'free))]
(for ([i (in-range 2 (mid))])
(heap-set! i 'free))]))
(define (at-to-space? loc)
(case (heap-ref (active-semi-space))
[(left) (and (>= loc 2)
(< loc (mid)))]
[(right) (and (>= loc (mid))
(< loc (heap-size)))]))
(define (at-from-space? thing)
[(list? thing)
(ormap at-from-space? thing)]
[(root? thing)
(not (at-to-space? (read-root thing)))]
[(number? thing)
(not (at-to-space? thing))]
[(not thing)
(module+ test
(print-only-errors #t)
(define test-heap1 (make-vector 12 'f))
;; init-allocator
(test (with-heap test-heap1
(vector 2 'left 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free))
;; alloc
(test (with-heap test-heap1
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(malloc 2 #f #f))
(test (with-heap test-heap1
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(malloc 2 #f #f)
(vector 6 'left 'flat 0
'free 'free 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free))
(test (with-heap test-heap1
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(malloc 2 #f #f))
(test (with-heap test-heap1
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(malloc 2 #f #f)
(vector 9 'right 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free))
(test (with-heap test-heap1
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(malloc 3 2 2))
(test (with-heap test-heap1
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(malloc 3 2 2)
(vector 12 'right 'frwd 7
'flat 0 'free 'flat
0 'free 'free 'free))
;; gc:alloc-flat
(test (with-heap test-heap1
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(vector 4 'left 'flat 0
'free 'free 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free))
(let ([v (make-vector 14 'f)])
(test (with-heap v
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(vector 10 'right 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free
'flat 0 'free 'free
'free 'free)))
;; gc:cons
(test (with-heap test-heap1
(gc:cons (simple-root 2) (simple-root 2))
(vector 5 'left 'cons 2
2 'free 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free))
(test (with-heap test-heap1
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:cons (simple-root 2) (simple-root 2))
(vector 7 'left 'flat 0
'cons 2 2 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free))
(test (with-heap test-heap1
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:cons (simple-root 2) (simple-root 2))
(vector 12 'right 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'flat
0 'cons 7 7))
(test/exn (with-heap test-heap1
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:alloc-flat 1)
(gc:cons (simple-root 2) (simple-root 4)))
"no space")
(let ([v (make-vector 14 'f)])
(test (with-heap v
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:cons (simple-root 6) (simple-root 6))
(vector 13 'right 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free
'flat 0 'cons 8
8 'free)))
;; gc:closure
(test (with-heap test-heap1
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:closure 'f empty)
(vector 7 'left 'flat 0
'clos 'f 0 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free))
(test/exn (with-heap test-heap1
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:closure 'f (list (simple-root 2))))
"no space")
(let ([v (make-vector 14 'f)])
(test (with-heap v
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:closure 'f (list (simple-root 2)))
#(14 right frwd 8 flat 0 free free flat 0 clos f 1 2)))
(define test-heap2 (make-vector 20 'f))
;; change-active-semi-space
(test (with-heap test-heap2
(vector 11 'right 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free))
;; forward/loc
(test (with-heap test-heap2
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(forward/loc 2)
(vector 13 'right 'frwd 11
'free 'free 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'flat
0 'free 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free))
(test (with-heap test-heap2
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:cons (simple-root 2) (simple-root 2))
(forward/loc 4)
(vector 14 'right 'flat 0
'frwd 11 2 'free
'free 'free 'free 'cons
2 2 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free))
(test (with-heap test-heap2
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:closure 'f (list (simple-root 2)))
(forward/loc 4)
(vector 15 'right 'flat 0
'frwd '11 1 2
'free 'free 'free 'clos
'f 1 2 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free))
;; forward/ref
(test (with-heap test-heap2
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(forward/loc 2)
(forward/ref 11)
(vector 13 'right 'frwd 11
'free 'free 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'flat
0 'free 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free))
(test (with-heap test-heap2
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:cons (simple-root 2) (simple-root 2))
(forward/loc 4)
(forward/ref 11)
(vector 16 'right 'frwd 14
'frwd 11 2 'free
'free 'free 'free 'cons
14 14 'flat '0
'free 'free 'free 'free))
(test (with-heap test-heap2
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:closure 'f (list (simple-root 2)))
(forward/loc 4)
(forward/ref 11)
(vector 17 'right 'frwd 15
'frwd '11 1 2
'free 'free 'free 'clos
'f 1 15 'flat
0 'free 'free 'free))
;; free-from-space
(let ([test-heap (vector 11 'right 'flat 0
'flat 0 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'frwd
2 'frwd '4 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free)])
(test (with-heap test-heap
(vector 11 'right 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'frwd
2 'frwd '4 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free)))
(let ([test-heap (vector 2 'left 'frwd 11
'frwd 13 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'flat
0 'flat 0 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free)])
(test (with-heap test-heap
(vector 2 'left 'frwd 11
'frwd 13 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free)))
;; collect-garbage
(test (with-heap test-heap1
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(collect-garbage 2 2)
(vector 9 'right 'frwd 7
'flat 0 'free 'flat
0 'free 'free 'free))
(test (with-heap test-heap2
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:cons (simple-root 2) (simple-root 2))
(collect-garbage #f #f)
(vector 11 'right 'flat 0
'cons 2 2 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free))
(test (with-heap test-heap2
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:cons (simple-root 2) (simple-root 2))
(collect-garbage 2 #f)
(vector 13 'right 'frwd 11
'cons 2 2 'free
'free 'free 'free 'flat
0 'free 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free))
(test (with-heap test-heap2
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:cons (simple-root 2) (simple-root 2))
(collect-garbage #f 4)
(vector 16 'right 'frwd 14
'frwd 11 2 'free
'free 'free 'free 'cons
14 14 'flat 0
'free 'free 'free 'free))
(test (with-heap test-heap2
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:closure 'f (list (simple-root 2)))
(collect-garbage #f 4)
(vector 17 'right 'frwd 15
'frwd 11 1 2
'free 'free 'free 'clos
'f 1 15 'flat
0 'free 'free 'free))
;; combination
(define test-heap3 (make-vector 14 'f))
(test (with-heap test-heap3
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:closure 'f empty)
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(vector 13 'right 'free 'free
'free 'free 'free 'free
'clos 'f 0 'flat
0 'free))
(test (with-heap test-heap3
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:closure 'f empty)
(forward/loc 8)
(vector 5 'left 'clos 'f
0 'free 'free 'free
'frwd 2 0 'free
'free 'free))
(test (with-heap test-heap3
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:closure 'f empty)
(gc:alloc-flat 0)
(gc:cons (simple-root 8) (simple-root 8))
(vector 8 'left 'clos 'f
0 'cons 2 2
'free 'free 'free 'free
'free 'free))