News Archive
- April, 2024, Two paper on Explainable AI and Edge AI Quantization have been accepted to publish at The 37th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Canadian AI 2024). Atah Nuh Mih & Hung Nguyen, Congratulations!!!
- Awards, AELab won big at The 42nd IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2024). Atah Nuh Mih won the Best Session Presentation Award and Best Audience/Questioner Award. Asfia Kanine and Hung Nguyen won the Best Audience/Questioner Award. Congratulations!!!
- Awards, Atah Nuh Mih and Asfia Kawnine won the Dr. Wu Yee-sun and Mrs. Wu Ho Man-yuen Memorial Graduate Bursary Award. Congratulations! You two are well deserved to receive this award.
- Impact Story, "UNB lab uses AI to help grow local company that serves the manufacturing sector". Explore our story here.
- Oct 17th 2023, Our article entitled "Fostering new vertical and horizontal IoT applications with Intelligence Everywhere" has been accepted to publish in Collective Intelligence Journal. This paper can be fully accessed here.
- Oct 2023, Four papers have been accepted for Oral Prensentation at The 42nd IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2024).
- Oct 2023, Our research project has been received the funding from OFI Seed Fund.
- Oct 2nd 2023, [Invited Talk] I will give my talk "Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT): A Synergy of Data, Network, and Learning" at UNB Research Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (RIDSAI).
- Sep 2023, I am the recipient of Harrison McCain Young Scholars Awards 2023-2024.
- May 15th 2023, Our paper entitled "TransferD2: Automated Defect Detection Approach in Smart Manufacturing using Transfer Learning Techniques" has been accepted to publish in the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Omni-Layer Intelligent Systems (IEEE COINS 2023). Congratulations Atah!!!
- Book, The proceeding book of DataCom 2022 has been published by Springer. Find out more Big Data Intelligence and Computing.
- Sponsorship, The Analytics Everywhere Lab at UNB received 10 TinyML development kits sponsored by Edge Impulse.
- Award, Simran Dadhich received the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation STEM & Social Innovation Award. Congratulations!
- June 16th 2022, Great news!!! Our article entitled "EVStationSIM: An End-to-End Platform to Identify and Interpret Similar Clustering Patterns of EV Charging Stations Across Multiple Time Slices" has been accepted to publish in Elsevier Applied Energy Journal (Impact Factor 11.446). Preprint of this paper can be found here.
- February 21st 2022, Our article entitled "Discovering Self-Quantified Patterns using Multi-Time Window Models" has been accepted to publish in Applied Computing and Informatics (Q1 Journal).
- October 28th 2021, Our book chapter entitled "A Spatial-temporal Comparison of EV Charging Station Clusters Leveraging Multiple Validity Indices" has been approved to publish in the Springer book series Communications in Computer and Information Science.
- April 30th 2021, We won the Best Student Paper Award at the 10th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems. [Certification]
- April 15th 2021, Our paper entilted "Edge-Cloud Intelligence in Self-Diagnostic of Land Mobile Radio Systems" has been accepted to publish in the 7th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things.
- April 9th 2021, Our paper entilted "Prophet model for forecasting occupancy presence in indoor spaces using non-intrusive sensors" has been accepted to publish in the 24th AGILE Conference.
- February 24th 2021, Our paper entilted "An Automated Clustering Process for Helping Practitioners to Identify Similar EV Charging Patterns Across Multiple Temporal Granularities" has been accepted to publish in the 10th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2021).