UNB/ CS/ David Bremner/ RecentChanges

Recent changes to this wiki:

update snippets
git-annex adjusted branch
publish lecture 10
creating tag page tags/memory_safety
add snippet index for lecture 9
tweak array example
publish tutorial 4 (fix date)
publish lecture 09
post assignment 1
creating tag page tags/practice_quiz
tweak description
update metadata
initial version of L11
move L11 out of the way
update questions for new schedule
move break
use updated _before page
even if it is too late
uncover lecture 10
merge _before pages
try to finally catch up with disruption caused by missed lab
shorten test coverage exercise
drop expression conversion exercise
move material from lab 8 to lab 9
update lecture 8
publish initial lecture08
uncover tutorial 3
update lecture 7 slides
hide labs
publish lecture07
don't mention quiz 1 yet
move old lab7 content forward to lab 8
mention A2
post A2
snow day changes
move lab 6 material forward to lab 7
note change to final exam
publish lecture 6
update lecture05 slides
uncover tutorial 2
publish lecture 5
move content due to campus closure
tweak wording
uncover lab 5
publish lecture 4
cs4613 lecture
drop link to old assigments
add test for tutorial 1
tutorial 1 for cs4613
adjust times
reword unit testing part of Lab 3
update A1
add anchor
initial posting of A1
uncover lab 4
uncover cs2613 lab 3
fix coverage
spelling fix
fix clone command
fix journal batch dates
add meeting
add another tutorial placeholder
fix link
it apparently can't find the page it is building
sync "before lab 2"
remove correct but annoying '.'
replace angle brackets
the variable causes less damage if typed literally
tweak font
remove year
link to anchor
update FAQ entry
uncover lab 2
uncover lab 1
update schedule
clean up last offering materials
updated slides
landing pages for lectures 1,2
update discussion of non-commercial licensing
fix number of assignments
make assignment rubric slightly less generous to undergrads
tweak component weights
it's old fashioned, but I like the marks to add to 100%
remove unreferenced page
fix typo
tweak deliverable numbers
drop refactor tutorial
currently not working
tweak spacing
tweak tutorials 7-11
re-reschedule t4-6
make A1 sooner
tentative due dates for A2-A4
drop one assignment
adjust dates and times for first 5 tutorials
fix two dates
swap A2 and Q1
add extra requirements
add third grad student appointment
add second grad student meeeting
Revert "make calls generic"
This reverts commit 787f181ea053eab8b16d4322432e2a445f1605ff.
make calls generic
add grad student
fix continuation mark