UNB/ CS/ David Bremner/ teaching/ cs2613/ books/ mdn/ Reference/ Global Objects/ Reflect/ Reflect.ownKeys()

The Reflect.ownKeys() static method returns an array of the target object's own property keys.




Return value

An Array of the target object's own property keys, including strings and symbols. For most objects, the array will be in the order of:

  1. Non-negative integer indexes in increasing numeric order (but as strings)
  2. Other string keys in the order of property creation
  3. Symbol keys in the order of property creation.



Reflect.ownKeys() provides the reflective semantic of retrieving all property keys of an object. It is the only way to get all own properties – enumerable and not enumerable, strings and symbols — in one call, without extra filtering logic. For example, Object.getOwnPropertyNames takes the return value of Reflect.ownKeys() and filters to only string values, while Object.getOwnPropertySymbols filters to only symbol values. Because normal objects implement <span class="createlink">OwnPropertyKeys</span> to return all string keys before symbol keys, Reflect.ownKeys(target) is usually equivalent to Object.getOwnPropertyNames(target).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(target)). However, if the object has a custom <span class="createlink">OwnPropertyKeys</span> method (such as through a proxy's ownKeys handler), the order of the keys may be different.

Reflect.ownKeys() invokes the <span class="createlink">OwnPropertyKeys</span> object internal method of target.


Using Reflect.ownKeys()

Reflect.ownKeys({ z: 3, y: 2, x: 1 }); // [ "z", "y", "x" ]
Reflect.ownKeys([]); // ["length"]

const sym = Symbol.for("comet");
const sym2 = Symbol.for("meteor");
const obj = {
  [sym]: 0,
  str: 0,
  773: 0,
  0: 0,
  [sym2]: 0,
  "-1": 0,
  8: 0,
  "second str": 0,
// [ "0", "8", "773", "str", "-1", "second str", Symbol(comet), Symbol(meteor) ]
// Indexes in numeric order,
// strings in insertion order,
// symbols in insertion order


Browser compatibility

See also