UNB/ CS/ David Bremner/ teaching/ cs2613/ tests/ sample1

Sample Questions

Each of these questions corresponds to a previous quiz.

Swap Pairs

For this question you will write a racket function swap-pairs. This function swaps the first and second elements of each sub-list of the input. The following test illustrates this functionality

  (check-equal? (swap-pairs '((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))) '((2 1) (4 3) (6 5)))

To get a passing mark, you must

To get full marks you must

Sixes and Sevens


Write a tail-recursive function sixes-and-sevens that keeps all multiples of 6 or 7. It should in particular pass the following test.

(module+ test
  (require rackunit)
  (check-equal? (sixes-and-sevens '(1 6 7 12)) '(6 7 12)))


Copy your solution to the previous question and add at least 3 tests tests for your sixes-and-sevens function. For full marks you should test 3 logically different things, and document what you are testing.

Tree Map

Write a recursive function tree-map that applies a given function to each leaf (non-list) element of a list. Your function should pass the following tests.

(module+ test
  (require rackunit)
  (check-equal? (tree-map add1 '()) '())
  (check-equal? (tree-map add1 '(1 2 3)) '(2 3 4))
  (check-equal? (tree-map (lambda (x) (* x x)) '(1 2 3)) '(1 4 9))
  (check-equal? (tree-map sub1 '(1 (2 3))) '(0 (1 2)))
  (check-equal? (tree-map (lambda (x) (modulo x 2))
                          '((1 2) (3 4) 5 (6 (7))))
                '((1 0) (1 0) 1 (0 (1))))
  (check-equal? (tree-map (lambda (x)
                            (string-append "I wanna " x))
                          '("pony" ("xbox" "A+")))
                '("I wanna pony" ("I wanna xbox" "I wanna A+"))))

List to hash

Write a function that takes a list, and returns an immutable hash table mapping positions (numbered from 1) to elements of the list. For full marks, your function should be tail recursive and pass all of the following tests.

(module+ test
  (require rackunit)
  (define hash-table (list->hash (list "a" "b" "c")))
  (check-equal? (hash-ref hash-table 1) "a")
  (check-equal? (hash-ref hash-table 2) "b")
  (check-equal? (hash-ref hash-table 3) "c")
  (check-equal? hash-table (hash 1 "a" 2 "b" 3 "c")) ;; check entire table, no extra elements
  (check-equal? (list->hash (list)) (hash)) ;; handle empty list
  (check-equal? (list->hash (list 1 2 3)) (hash 1 1 2 2 3 3)) ;; handle list of numbers
  (check-equal? (list->hash (list 1 "b" 'c) )  (hash 1 1 2 "b" 3 'c)))