UNB/ CS/ David Bremner/ teaching/ cs2613/ labs/ Lab 5

Before the lab


Substitute in a list

25 minutes
Individual work
Learn about lists and recursion.

Complete FICS Exercise 13.

Recall the template for structural recursion.

(define (my-list-fn lst)
    [(empty? lst) ...]
    [(cons? lst) ... (first lst) ...
                 ... (my-list-fn (rest lst)) ...]))

Here is a test case based on the linked test

 (substitute 3 "three" (list "four" 3 4 "three" 3))
 (list "four" "three" 4 "three" "three"))

Uniquifying lists

25 minutes
Individual work
Learn about lists and recursion.

Complete FICS Exercise 15. Although probably not intended by the original question, use the built-in BSL function member? to simplify your solution. Otherwise use only the constructs specified in Exercise 14, and structural recursion. Here is one test case derived from the linked text.

  (list 1 4 2 1 5 4))
 (list 2 1 5 4))

Add an element to all lists

25 minutes
Individual work
Learn about lists and recursion.

Recall the template for structural recursion on lists

(define (my-list-fn lst)
    [(empty? lst) ...]
    [(cons? lst) ... (first lst) ...
                 ... (my-list-fn (rest lst)) ...])

Use this template to write a function cons-all that adds a given element to the front of each given sublist. The following test case illustrates the use of cons-all. You will need to use the language #lang htdp/bsl+ or "Beginning Student with List Abbreviations" or replace the use of ' in the following.

(check-expect (cons-all 3 '((2 4) () (5)))
              '((3 2 4) (3) (3 5)))

Before next lab