UNB/ CS/ David Bremner/ teaching/ cs3383/ tests/ solutions1
  1. Basic asymptotics.

    • ∀ a>1 an ∈ O(nᵃ). It's enough to show that for n>n₀,

        an ≤ anᵃ


        n ≤ nᵃ

      take logs (base n) of both sides

        1 ≤ a

      which is true.

    • ∀ a>0, b > 0, nᵃ+nᵇ ∈ O(nᶜ) where c=a+b. W.l.o.g, suppose a ≤ b

        nᵃ + nᵇ ≤ 2nᵇ
        nᵇ ≤ nᶜ    (take logs of both sides)
        nᵃ + nᵇ ≤ 2nᶜ
  2. This recurrence is straightforward master theorem. Don't forget substitution method and recursion tree.

  3. Some notation: lg n ≡ log₂ n; lg² n ≡ (lg n)² IH: T(n) ≤ c (lg² n), for some c≥ 1.

     T(n) ≤ c lg² (n/2)   (apply IH)
          = c (lg n -1)²
          = c [lg² n - 2lg n +1]
          = c lg² n - [2c·lg(n) - c]

    To force residual non-negative, we need

     2 lg(n) ≥ 1

    This holds for any integer n≥ 2

  4. String Append

    • Concatentation is Θ(1)

       T(l) = T(l-1) + Θ(1)
            = ∑{ Θ(1)  | 0 ≤ i ≤ l} = Θ(l)
    • S ∘ a is Θ(|S|)

        T(l) = T(l-1) + Θ(k+l)
             ≤ T(l-1) + c(k+l)
             ≤ ∑ { c(k+i) | 0 ≤ i ≤ l }
             ≤ ckl + cl(l+1)/2
             ∈ O(kl + l²)

    Ω proof would be the same, with a difference constant and ≥ instead of ≤

  5. Unlucky Pete.

    • Formulating problem

        N ≡ ∑ { Xᵢ |i≥ 1}
        Xᵢ = 1 if UP takes the course ≥ i times, 0 otherwise
    • Calculating expectation

        E[N] = E[∑Xᵢ] = ∑ E[Xᵢ] (L.O.E.)
        E[Xᵢ] = (1-p)ⁱ/(1-p)
        E[N] = ∑ { (1-p)ⁱ/(1-p) | i ≥ 1}
             = ∑ { (1-p)ⁱ | i ≥ 0}
             = 1/(1-(1-p))  Geometric series
             = 1/p
  6. The random part of the run time is how many times the repeat loop runs. Note that A[p] has a 1/n chance of being the maximum, and apply the same analysis as for question 4 to get

     E[N] = ∑ { (1-1/n)ⁱ | i ≥ 0} = n

    Since each iteration is Θ(n), that gives a total of Θ(n²)

  7. Solving recurrences

    • T(n) = ∑ { iᶜ ∣ 1≤ i ≤ n }. Bound above by n times largest term. Bound below by n/2 times the n/2 smallest term. Θ(n^{c+1})

    • T(n) = ∑ { cⁱ ∣ 1≤ i ≤ n } Geometric series.